Galactic Champion

This game is a school project where we have 1 month to design and create a game that will interact with a 6 DOF Platform we made in the degree program. In Galactic Champion, you control a spaceship as it flies through a ring tunnel in space that is littered with asteroids. Your goal is to fly through the tunnel for as long as you can.

6 DOF Platform

This project took two months to complete. I started in Solidworks, modeling the different sections of the platform and assembling it all in the software to verify that the design would work. The next step was to actually create it, fabricating the individual parts and putting those together. The final step was to program it to test functionality.

Graphics Project

This is a project from my Game Development degree. In it, I used DirectX to create my own renderer. Some of the features I wrote were:

  • Specular maps
  • Normal maps
  • Spotlights, Point Lights, and Directional Lights
  • Skybox support
  • Model and texture importing
  • Instancing
  • Multiple viewports